Tax-Efficient Spending Strategies From Retirement Portfolios
Flowchart to expand on Michael's 2016 blog post:
And also include from his most recent 2019 blog post:
Comments: 2
09 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"Should I create a written retirement income plan" (suggested by Michael Schellinger on 2021-07-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"Issues/Opportunities to consider when looking at order to liquidate accounts during retirement?" (suggested by Aimee on 2020-01-27), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion. Original language from this merged suggestion: "Should we reduce RMD if IRA is large by taking small distributions at lower tax rates in 60's? Or first take cap gains in taxable accounts if able to keep income low? Considerations during distribution phase: single or married? Amounts in Qual vs Non-qual?"