What ongoing issues (financial and non-financial) should I consider during retirement
Similar and can be modified from the pre-retirement checklist (excellent) already available
Comments: 1
05 Jul, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"Non-Financial Topics to Consider Before Retirement" (suggested by Ed Jastrem on 2022-06-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion. "A list of topics to think about and prepare for the transition into retirement, related to health, wellbeing, the psychology of lifestyle change, etc. - other than the financial/tax/estate items typically discussed.
1-Passing on values to the next generation
2-Setting yourself up to be in good physical health, habits for diet + exercise
3-Developing new and/or maintaining social connections and a network
4-Finding new purposes; in your community, volunteering, educating newcomers to your former profession, hobbies
5-Your mental health - stimulating your brain, a new language, reading, writing
6-Companionship through pets
7-Updating your wardrobe
8-Preparing your home for changes- e.g. grab bars in the bathroom, making things easier to reach in the kitchen, updati