Who is a dependant for tax purposes
Comments: 4
02 Mar, '22
Steven RhatiganThis is a big issue in special needs planning
06 Jun, '22
Alka G Oberoi MergedDay Care- Depnedent care tax planning couple making 350k? Or other Income Brackets?
Suggetions -
15 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin Merged"Flexible Savings Account versus Dependent Care Tax Credit" (suggested by Linda G. on 2020-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion. Original language from this merged suggestion: "Are you eligible to use both a Flexible Savings Account and qualify for the Dependent Care Tax Credit?"
16 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"Reviewing Child Care Options" (suggested by Ben Martinek on 2020-06-17), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion. Original language from this merged suggestion: "A checklist for reviewing the different forms of child care, especially the use of Nanny's and the filing of Schedule H. The checklist would also delve into Dependent Care Credit and Dependent Care Benefit."