Issues To Consider With My HSA
Comments: 5
20 Sep, '18
Richard Ramos MergedWhen is contributing to an HSA a great strategic plan?
19 Dec, '18
Steve Conkin MergedOutline the availability of the once in a lifetime IRA to HSA Rollover.
07 May, '21
Mike Admin"HSA - is this a good option for me" (suggested by Richard Ramos on 2018-09-20), including upvotes (14) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 May, '21
Mike Admin"Can I Make an IRA to HSA Rollover" (suggested by Steve Conkin on 2018-12-19), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Sep, '21
Pam HorackInclude HSA info for estate planning. Good idea to leave it to your spouse. Bad idea to leave it to your kids - they have to pay taxes on these fund and there is no stretch available for these funds.