Considerations for an early withdrawal from your retirement account
This would go over exceptions, rules, penalties, and opportunities to repay when a client looks to take money out of their retirement accounts. Situations such as 72(t), Roth distribution of contributions, or CARES act repayment can all be covered.
Comments: 2
15 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"In-Service Withdrawals from Qualified Plan" (suggested by Adam Jaroch on 2019-01-17), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"72(t) / SEPP rules" (suggested by Rich on 2020-07-06), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion. Original language from this merged suggestion: "Seems like a lot of advisors do this wrong or are unclear on the actual rules. Maybe there is some gray in the rule, but I have seen it done many different ways, and though most advisors want clients to consider other alternatives to a 72(t), it is necessary in some cases to avoid penalties."