Annuity selection Flow chart
A flow chart that will help guide a client to choose the best Annuity Product for their particular situation.
Comments: 9
18 Jun, '21
David Felte MergedLove This Suggestion!
16 Jun, '22
ChrisGranger Admin"When is it approriate to invest in a QLAC?" (suggested by Stephanie Vokral on 2018-12-06), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion. Original language from this merged suggestion: "QLACs are not for everyone, especially if you are in a low income tax bracket or need all the income from your RMDs. So, when is it appropriate? When you do not need the income from your RMD and you are in high tax bracket. Be careful of creating too much taxable income later in life. It may be a handy estate planning tool as well."
06 Oct, '22
Joel MergedHow are distributions (including RMDs) from a non annuitized annuity taxed?
02 Feb, '23
Merry Dooley Mergedwhat type of annuity best fits your needs, what riders would be most beneficial
09 Oct, '23
Lee Gibson MergedAging out of Opportunities
Some solutions for enhance income for survivors, enhance lump sum death benefits and enhanced income for care can no longer be purchase if not issued before age 80. -
13 Jan
ChrisGranger Admin"What Should I Do With A Inherited Annuity?" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-03-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Jan
ChrisGranger Admin"Annuity Taxation" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2022-10-06), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Jan
ChrisGranger Admin"flowchart: Choosing the right annuity for yourself" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Jan
ChrisGranger Admin"Age 78 -79" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-10-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.